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Importing Contacts

CandidATS supports importing Companies from .csv files. It saves lots of time and efforts to import thousands of records instantly.

Steps to import contacts

  1. In Settings tab, click on Administration link
  2. In the Administration screen, click the Data Import link
  3. ClickCompany radio button and click Next
  4. Choose the CSV file and click Next
  5. The import screen will have 3 sections
    1. Warning! – Shows the precausion needed while importing
    2. Import Data – shows the import file format and the module name
    3. Map Data – you can take decision while importing contacts
      1. The list of fields from CSV and corresponding contact module fields mapped each other. You have the option of changing the fields. You can choose not to import any specific field. And you have the option of creating a specific field as extra field
    4. Click Next – Import Data Button
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