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User Documentation for Dashboard
- My Recent Calls
- My Upcoming Calls
- My Upcoming Events
My Recent Calls
- ForEx: Add the one candidate and Added this candidate to Job Order Pipeline.
- Recently created or modified profiles list will be displayed in My Recent Calls.
My Upcoming Calls
- ForEx: Add the Event in the calendar menu 03-19-20 All Day: java developer.
- Scheduled event For calendar menu can be displayed.
- Click Candidates menu->click Log an activity
- Log an Activity Form is opened->Fill the Detail->Click Save Button
- Log an Activity we created also display.
- Scheduled event For call activity in the calendar menu and log an Activity in candidates can be displayed.
My Upcoming Events
- It will display the upcoming events created through the calendar and Log an Activity in the candidate’s menu.
- Note: Events are displayed in the My Upcoming Events.
Recent Hires
- Placed candidates are displayed in the Recent Hires.
Hiring OverView
- A graph is increased by one it means one candidate is hired and graph bar display in green color.
- ForEx: I added three different candidates and give the three different status They are Submitted, Interviewing, Offered.
- In Hiring OverView Graph display the three bars in different colors and increased by one.
- Green color means Hires.
- Orange color means Interviews.
- Violet color means submissions.
Important Candidates (Submitted, Interviewing, Offered in Active Job Orders)
- For Ex: I added three different candidates and give the three different status They are Submitted, Interviewing, Offered.
- It displays the Important Candidates list.